
Journal, The Window To Your Subconscious Mind

by James Monahan
A journal is not just a simple diary, periodical chronicle or record. It is a window where you or any one reading your journal sees you from inside and through your subconscious mind.

A journal is a market place of ideas, thoughts, fears, hopes and aspirations, and the only way to reach it is through your pen.

The act of writing a journal can be your ticket to self-discovery.

Because you can be anonymous in your journal, you can write anything and everything that comes in your mind.

You can also use your journal like a psychologist. Psychologists use this as a tool in analyzing the situation of his subject.

You will easily understand your present condition, good or bad because you will be looking at it from the different side of the fence. This is how psychologists assess ones condition, looking at the matter from a different point of view.

Writers on their part use journals to write ideas, facts, feelings and snippets of conversation.

It is in the journal that most writers unleash their creative ideas that make them effective in their field. It is a log of their creative ideas, which they use later on for their stories.

The way to use your journal effectively is to write anything without having to think of where your writing will bring you.

Let the ideas fall freely. Do not stop until you ran out of things to write.

As you go along, you will realize that when you try to arrange conscious thoughts, your subconscious mind tosses ideas from your mind down your arm and final to the end where the pen is.

Writing also helps you develop ideas from deep in your mind, which you would not have thought exist.

You will realize that after a while, you have written along journal with clear pattern of thought that you initially did not have before you started writing.

Journals can also help improve your relationship with family members by understanding their fears, hopes and aspirations. This writing will help you understand who they are from beneath the person you see in front of you.

Writing journals also help release tension by having to write those things you would have said that might hurt the feelings of another person.

After writing that ugly words you long to utter, you will then have cooled down and realize that those things if you had said them may create nuisance and might create a wall and not a bridge to your relationship.

When you feel you have released your anger, you can tear the paper apart and you will realize you are not angry anymore and can face the world smiling. You will also understand the situation more when you have cleared the cobweb in your mind.

You have done two things; avoid hurting the feelings of your partner by releasing the tension on paper and clearing your mind to understand the situation clearer without a heavy heart.

I also have a friend who writes on her journal very often. She has a small notebook she brings around and writes anything that happen, when she finds the time, she expounds on them. She ends up writing a book of events that turned her into an author from being fondly called scribbling Anne.
Author Resource:- James Monahan is the owner and Senior Editor of and writes expert articles about journals.

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Success Is Really No Secret

by Shannon and Kim Jaklic
Secrets of Success, "The Secret", Business Secrets - these seem to be the newest buzz words in our culture. Guess what - here's the secret - there really isn't one. If I've read one book on success secrets, I've read 100 and what they all have in common is this - some smart and sometimes hard work along with a good helping of common sense is all you really need to be successful.

You're probably saying "If it were that easy, everyone would be successful". Not true. It's the smart and at the onset of business success, hard work that eludes most people. They are all chasing the "dream". They are looking for the lifestyle business to be handed to them and expect to do nothing to get it moving forward or sustain it.

Here's the pitfall - when doing research on what business to start, you must - absolutely must read all the information and understand it before getting started. Many folks seem to start their research and get caught up in the hype. They miss the most important part.

Everyone almost always gets the "here's what you'll get when you're successful" but what they seem to often miss is the "here's what you have to do to get there" part. Then when the inevitable shock comes from finding out that there is some work involved, they concede defeat; and failure and blame are quick to follow. That's not a good place to be in.

The reality is that there are a lot of fantastic and highly profitable businesses out there; but they all require the same elements to get them up and going - Common sense Hard work (at first) Smart work

There are some tools you should put on your belt to help on your journey to success.

1. Enthusiasm and Passion: You must love what you do and then the work isn't so hard and the fun is automatic.

2. Have A "What Can I Do For You" Attitude: Too often the mindset is "What's in it for me? If I do this for you, what do I get?" That doesn't work today. Be the solution to their challenges and customers will seek you out. Remember the last time you had a business dealing with someone who had your best interest in mind? Wouldn't you do business with them again?

3. A Little Elbow Grease: No one I know ever had a bag of money fall on their head because they wished for it. Success comes from the 3 elements noted above - common sense, hard work first and then smart work. You must put your nose to the grindstone when you begin your business. If you put the time in at the start you will insure everything is set up right. Then you can sit back and relax.

4. Pure Determination: "Begin with the end in mind" as Steven Covey says. Beginning your business venture with your end goals first allows you to know where you're going and how best to get there. Keeping your eye on the prize also adds great motivation.

5. Keep Your Ears Open: Sometimes things don't go as planned and the client isn't happy. More fires have been put out by a willingness to listen than you could imagine. If there are problems along the way, it's best to handle them head on. More often than not, your client only wants to know someone is listening and cares.

6. DON'T Keep It A Secret!... If you want people to know you're out there, you have to tell them. Plain and simple. Just like brick and mortar businesses, internet businesses need marketing. Remember, most of your business is marketing. There are many ways to do it - online advertising, e-zine articles, viral marketing, discussion group promotion and the list goes on.

7. Pure Determination: Sometimes determination is the only thing that will keep you going during those last 5 miles. It is what gets you through the unexpected bumps in the road and the ups and downs that can come at the beginning of starting anything new business or otherwise.

All of this may sound like a lot, but it not. Most of what you need to start a business of any kind you will find inside of you. There are no bags of cash falling out of the sky and no magic pills to make your lifestyle appear in an instant. You and only you can shape your future the way you want it. Now that you have some "secrets" of your own in your business building tool belt you can as Henry David Thoreau said "go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined"


Shannon and Kim Jaklic made the move into the lucrative world of the home based business industry. Their passion is to help other parents achieve and enjoy the same level of success professionally and personally. For more information on successful Home Based Business Opportunities go to .
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Top Ten Ways to a More Positive Outlook on Winter

by Donna P. Lendzyk
Year after year I find more and more individuals saying to me that they were still waiting for the warm temperatures to arrive one more time before the snow comes. In many ways these individuals did not have a very positive outlook on the arrival of the winter season. What can be done to have a more positive outlook towards the arrival of winter?

1. Put Seasonal Items In Order
Put away the summer things and pull out the winter ones so they are easier to find. Have your outdoor clothing ready to go in good order and repair including your boots, gloves, jackets and scarves.

2. Plan A Few Days Off
Plan a few days off during the winter so you have a special break to look forward to. It could be day set aside for reading or an indoor hobby that your enjoy -- or it could be a ski trip to the Rockies or a Caribbean vacation.

3. Get A Plant
Get a plant to brighten your living or work area such as a plant that flowers or try forcing some flower bulbs indoors.

4. Engage In An Activity That Celebrates This Season
Start or join in a regular activity that you enjoy (or enjoyed when you were younger) that celebrates this time of year. It could be an outdoor activity such as skating, curling, skiing or hockey. If you prefer it could instead be a private indoor activity such as of journaling, reading or quilting.

5. Get Ahead Of Holiday Preparations
Get ahead of preparing for the holidays so you are not rushed later on.

6. Enjoy Some Seasonal Scents
Get a lovely aromatherapy oil spray or candle you will enjoy in your home for the season.

7. Winterize Your Vehicle
If you have one, have your vehicle winterized including getting winter tires put on, the engine tuned up and be sure to include a complete winter emergency kit and blanket.

8. Prepare For SAD (If Applicable)
If you are a sensitive person who is affected by SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), be sure to have your light box ready for use. (For those of you who are unfamiliar with S.A.D., it's a physical condition that happens with the shortening of our daylight hours. In many people this causes depression and fatigue that can sometimes require extra light from special light boxes to get through the day.)

9. Get Cozy On The Couch
Put out a cozy throw blanket for the couch for when you sit to watch your favorite TV shows.

10. Enjoy Delicious, Nourishing Self Care
Bring out your favorite soups and stews recipes. If you don't have any, have fun developing and cooking up some tasty favorites. While you are at it, also stock up on a special warm drink whether its tea, hot chocolate or apple juice / cider with cinnamon sticks to simmer.

(c) 2003 Donna P. Lendzyk

Donna P. Lendzyk, The "More Done Less Time" Business Coach, helps home-based business owners to Get More Done in Less Time With Greater Ease...So They Can Make More Profits! For more great tips with being a business owner, check out Donna’s website

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